It's one of the most tried and trusted forms of advertisements. It is a scenario in which a person testifies to the possible effects of the product or services. Especially if the testifier is well known, hence the use of celebreties as in this case, an actor.
Right to life
Right to freedom of expression
Right to participate in any political choice
right to speak
In most cases, the order comes because the court needs that person to give a certain testimony or giving proof to evidence. Failure to follow this order is very unlikely to be punished by jail time but it's definitely would result in fines/other monetary punishment.
To truly practice this leadership skill, some foundational principles need to be understood and accepted:
You need a team to accomplish your goals. If you can achieve your business goal by yourself, your goals are not large enough. You need others to help accomplish the goals you have for the company, so start treating others like you need them, versus reminding them how much they need you.
Other people think, believe, process information and are motivated differently than you. Some think “big picture,” others need specific details. Some are analytical, others are dreamy creative types. Some need to see the information, others need to hear it. Some need both. Some want accolades and praise, others just want a private “thanks.”
Doing things your way isn’t always the best way for others. You are bright, talented and you get things done. But, believe it or not, your way of doing things isn’t the best way for everyone else. Additionally, your way may not be the best way for some tasks to get done (for example, many engineers’ ideas for marketing products aren’t that effective).
You need people different than you to make a good team. Differences are good (although they involved challenges – like communicating clearly). You need detailed, analytic conservative fiscal types. You need energetic, outgoing “let’s tackle the world” salespeople. You need people who communicate ideas effectively to others, both orally and in writing. You need people who can communicate through pictures, images, colors and movement. You need dreamers and you need “get it done” implementers. A successful business utilizes the strengths of their multi-talented team members.