- The word arduous means "not easy to achieve."
- The word asunder means "separated" or "torn apart."
- The word bereft means "to lose something."
- The word clamorous means "noisy.
- The word doleful means "sad or unhappy."
- The word fiend means "demon" or "an evil or harmful person."
- The word loathsome means "repulsive" or "arousing dislike or hatred."
- The word succor means "support."
I'm doing the assignment myself right now. This is the correct answer they gave me.
The cat defends itself well. It scratches its enemy.
<span>The correct answer is A. the results of a scientific study would be the most effective evidence. Thoughts and opinions are not valid for scientific studies because they are based on emotions and personal values. Ethics also have a problematic effect on science because values and morals are often different from society to society.</span>
Answer: We´ve studied a lot this week