Domain - Archea, Eubacteria, Eukaryote.
Kingdom - Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Protists, Eubacteria (Monera), Archaebacteria.
Species - smallest classification.
Archaea: very ancient prokaryotic microbes.
Eubacteria: More advanced prokaryotic microbes.
Eukaryota: All life forms with eukaryotic cells including plants and animals.
Protection of domestic industries.
Free trade does not protect domestic industries as multinational corporations tend to be more competitive with draws the market share within a market.
An Arms-Build up would lead to peace due quite frankly, to fear. It would lead to peace, just like for example, North Korea. No one is allowed to have weaponry, meaning fear. No one attempts to revolt, due to fear. Having a militia, would enforce fear, causing no revolts, or riots, or anything of the sort.
In ancient Egypt, iron was known to be "the metal from heaven" . Iron was often used in tools, weapons, jewelry, and other fine items associating iron with power and royalty.
An sample advertisement could have been something along the lines of, "Treat yourself like a deity and drape yourself in the metal from heaven".
While _(The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth)_ allowed some freedom of religion in the 1700s, _(Russia)_ attacked and took land away from Poland.