Answer is A: place absorbent chemical packets in the camera cover
Keith is required to carry adequate gear while going for a shoot. And in this case, he should carry anything that will protect his camera from the ocean and rainwater. By anything, I mean anything that Keith will use to stay dry. Using an air conditioner would be the worst idea. An air conditioner might blow the air towards your camera. Placing the camera in its case will ensure that it is dry and Keith will keep on shooting. Placing absorbent chemical packets in the camera cover will ensure that any water droplets that might fall on the cover of the camera will be absorbed. The point here is to keep dry.
files can easily infect your computer with viruses or malware.
B. style=text-align: right
text-align is a CSS property having 5 types of values. Each of values define below.
left - Aligns content to left.
right - Aligns content to right.
center - Centers the content.
justify - Depends on the width of the content, it will align itself to both left and righ
inherit - It specifies the the value of text-align should be taken from parent element.
Because machine (cpu) can only execute machine code(language).
bears = {"Grizzly":"angry", "Brown":"friendly", "Polar":"friendly"}
for bear in bears:
if bears[bear] == "friendly":
print("Hello, "+bear+" bear!")
A dictionary called bears is given. A dictionary consists of key-value pairs.
You need to check each key-value pairs in bears and find the ones that have "friendly" as value using a for loop and if-else structure. In order to access the values of the dictionary, use the dictionary name and the key (inside the loop, the key is represented as bear variable). If a key has a value of "friendly", print the greeting. Otherwise, print "odd".