Basic characteristics of OOAD and compression with SAD can be defined as follows:
The Object-oriented analysis is described as a design and analysis system like an application, that uses Oops programming. It is the measurement model, that is the presentation, which became a part of the object-based review.
The features of OOAD can be defined as follows.
- The complex issues are simply solved.
- The operation of very fast recovery.
- The stability in condition changes.
- Its conceptual method for resolving its extremely complex problems.
The difference in OOAD and SAD can be defined as follows:
- The OOAD mainly focuses upon the design of objects, it can be used in highly complex logical systems, whereas the SAD focuses on data analysis systems and processes.
- The OOAD uses the framework to target data, but the SAD is process-oriented. It uses class and UML diagrams, but SSAD uses DFDs to extract the element, it has many limited steps to prepare and execute, but OOAD relies mostly on initial growth. This method is being developed in the course of the process.
The answer is 243. Hope it helps
Adam might have forgotten to loop the guessing code, meaning that instead of letting him guess multiple times, it simply does it once and ends the program. This could be fixed by adding a while loop, or something of the sort, that doesn't let the user finish the program until they guess the number correctly, while adding to the variable that stores the number of guesses each loop.
Means no matter how many processors you use, speed up never increase from 10 times.
If a problem of size W has a serial component Ws,then performance using parallelism:
Using Amdahl's Law:
Tp = (W - Ws )/ N + Ws
Here, Ws = .1,
W - Ws = .9
Performance Tp = (.9 / N) + .1
Speed Up = 1 / ( (.9 / N) + .1)
If N -> infinity, Speed Up <= 10
Means no matter how many processors you use, speed up never increase from 10 times.
Well my advice for Sara when using the web would be 3 things.
1: Never tell anyone where you live,Your name, Or any other personal information.
This is important as it will keep you safe and others that are in your family.
2: Get anti virus hardware on your devise.
This will help to stop bad people, and bugs/glitches,this will also protect you from information thieves.
3: Make sure to keep your passwords saved on paper.
I know a lot of people use, google(ect.) to save there passwords to make everything easy, but a good way to never loss them is to wright them down.
Have a great day!