Single lensed Microscope for observing bacteria and protozoan
Relative Age Determination. Superposition of rock units is a very simple and straightforward method of relative age determination. The principle states that in a sequence of undeformed sedimentary rocks the oldest beds are at the bottom and the youngest ones are at the top.
A. Cloning creates variety because offspring receive genetic material that is different from that of their parent.
Globin 1 and globin 2 genes of insects are understood to have diverged approximately 170 million years ago, through duplication, from a common globin gene ancestor. The two genes that code for haemoglobin have conserved regions; oxygen-binding and heme- regions. Globin 2 gene has lost the intron region that is still present in the globin 1 gene. The percentage divergence is 7.2% with 20 varying nucleotides.
I believe the answer is c