Moore's law
The Moore’s law which was named after the pioneer, Gordon Moore, predicted that the number of transistors on a chip would double about every two years. This law is one of the reasons why computers became so powerful. These transistors and chips are used to make mathematical calculations and in 1965, Gordon made an observation and forecasted that the number of transistors that can be placed in any ICs doubles approximately every two years. Moore was so convinced about this prediction that he went on to co-found the biggest chips processor; INTEL. This trend has been accurate since then but has started to slow down from 2013.
Listed below are the few ways Linux Server can be secured
1. Group policies: This is a way to ensure security by applying group policies and permissions both on the group level and the files level. Through proper permission configuration we can easily restrict other users from accessing those files and directories.
2. Implementation of the firewall: Implementing firewall in each of the Linux server will definitely help in securing your machine from outside threats. Iptables will help in filtering the network traffic that are entering into the system and even going out of the system.
3.Enabling SELINUX: Enabling SELINUX is another way to secure your system especially a Linux Server. Selinux is a powerful security that checks and allows applications to run into the system. It won't allow any untrusted application to run into the system.
The program that checks the BMI of a patient is given below:
<h3>THE CODE</h3>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
// C++ program to illustrate
// how to calculate BMI
float BMI(float height, float weight)
float bmi = weight / pow(height, 2);
return bmi;
int main()
float height = 1.79832;
float weight = 70;
// Function call
float bmi = BMI(height, weight);
cout << "The BMI is " << setprecision(15) << bmi
<< " so ";
// Conditions to find out BMI category
if (bmi < 18.5)
cout << "underweight";
else if (bmi >= 18.5 && bmi < 24.9)
cout << "Healthy";
else if (bmi >= 24.9 && bmi < 30)
cout << "overweight";
else if (bmi >= 30)
cout << "Suffering from Obesity";
return 0;
// This code is contributed by aarohirai2616.
<h3>Output: </h3>
The BMI is 21.64532402096181 so Healthy
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