A. Glucose
Glucose stores chemical energy in just the right size for transport and uptake by cells.
Statements thar are true:
Some organisms have phenotypes that make them better increase chances of reproduction.
Natural selection continues to occur even today
Phenotypes found In the most successful members of a species become the most prevalent after several generations.
It is not true that all organisms must compete for survival, sometimes the conditions are good and there is enough food or good climate conditions and that makes no need of competition an increase in the individuals of the species.
Animals undergo natural selection, this is a random natural phenomenon that can make plants and animals adapt better or worse to the enviromental conditions. This cause that the beneficiaries can adapt, survive and reproduce and became the most prevalent after generations.
Mutations are not phenomen that occur because the living being needs it, but rather they are phenomenon that occur at random at any time and determine the possibility of survival.
A decrease in food availability will do the contrary, decrease the variation in a population because it makes that only those who manage to adapt to eat another food survive, for example.
In humans when the haploid sperm and egg cell join in fertilisation the resulting zygote has a total of 46 chromosomes the correct number to develop. By having gametes which are haploid, when the gametes combine, diploid cells are maintained.
C. Hydrogen bonds
Anticodon refers to the set of three nucleotides present in tRNA. The anticodon is complementary to the codon of mRNA. The nucleotide bases of anticodon and mRNA codons are paired by hydrogen bonds.
Here, the adenine of anticodon makes the hydrogen bond with the uracil base of codon while the guanine base of anticodon forms the hydrogen bond with the cytosine base of the codon.
There is a specific tRNA with an anticodon complementary to the mRNA codon for each amino acid. For example, the tRNA for phenylalanine has an anticodon 3' AAG 5' and binds to the complementary mRNA codon base via hydrogen bonds.
Since the female parent is homeozygous, whichever allele the males get, they will receive a red-eye allele. Females are red-eyed because the presence of the recessive copy is masked. Males are red-eyed because they only have one copy of the gene, and that copy is for the red allele.