I will help!
Don't worry, i know how you feel. It is hard to keep up with life. i have felt that way too. but it will al get better. Try to do something you like or something that helps you forg8et about the pain. But just remember. YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE. There are people out there who feel just like you. I always feel that way. Just be strong for me and your family. God is with you. :)
having a good attitude towards life is a better advantage. when you give a great attitude, people will see you as a more respectable person,Also it can make someone's day. Treating someone the way you want to be treated can either be a god send or a nightmare.
I'm going to guess Boo Radley.
The setting influences the plot, which includes the story's events. Certain actions are more likely to take place in specific environments. Also, the story's tone and theme rely on its setting. In addition, the setting shapes the characters.
Edwards believed that human beings had the power to save themselves and that the idea of election was not valid. Although he suggests that all human beings are born with innate depravity, by living a good life, this can be overcome.