No, old age COULD mean death, but we do not know. Young children, or young people are also subjects of death. We do not know our time when we go. It all depends MOSTLY on your lifestyle, smoking, drinking (bad things) can lead to death very fast. But, young people, they are not allowed to do those things, and our teachers, help us not to so we live a long,good life. We have red-ribbon week for a reason, to help people get out of bad-habits that WILL takeaway their life one day. Old age can mean anything, As well as young age.
In this excerpt, we can cleary see how Satan perceived men as superior than women because he claims in favour of men using big and good adjectives to describe them, adjectives related to strong people and so on. Inteasted, he describes women with soft adjectives treating them as delicated people, warm, affectionate ones, leading to believe they can not be strong as men. To support this, we can use the following lines: "<em>The image of their glorious Maker shon, Truth, Wisdome, Sanctitude severe and pure, Severe, but in true filial freedom plac't; Whence true autoritie in men; though both Not equal, as their sex not equal seemd;"</em>
C. To send his son back to the cemetery
dramatic irony is a stylistic device that is most commonly used by storytellers, in plays, in the theater, and in movies.