It would be "vertical integration" that is a business practice that is used to reduce costs by controlling all aspects of production in an industry, since this eliminates competition and "streamlines" the production process.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no hay opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.
Las medidas que favorecen el consumo responsable de energía del microondas, son las siguientes.
-Usar el microondas sólo cuando es necesario.
-Priorizar el calentamiento o cocción de los alimentos en la estufa.
-Una vez que termina de calentar el micro, retirar de inmediato el plato para que la luz interior del micro se apague. De igual manera, para evitar que la alarma de que ya concluyó el calentamiento siga sonando. Cada sonido requiere de energía.
-Desconectar el horno de microondas cuando ya no se utilice.
-Cuando se pueda, meter mas de dos platos al horno.
Este tipo de acciones, junto con el ahorro de energía en aparatos como la televisión, la computadora, los utensilios eléctricos de cocina y de baño, pueden representar un considerable ahorro de la energía para el hogar, disminuir los que se paga de luz, y ayudar a conservar el medio ambiente.
I found information about it here.
It varies what class you are in (Upper, middle, or lower) and what your family worked as.
The Chinese family was ruled by the father of the house. His wife and children were required to obey him in all things. Women generally took care of the home and raised the children. Marriage partners were decided by the parents and the preferences of the children getting married often had little impact on the parent's choice.
A big part of Chinese family life was the respect of their elders. Children of all ages, even grown ups, were required to respect their parents. This respect continued even after people were dead. The Chinese would often would pray to their ancestors and offer sacrifices to them. Respect of the elders was also part of the religion Confucianism.
The answer would be 13 states :) hope this helps