Neutral potassium also contains 19 electrons and 21 neutrons.
A mouse has a greater ratio of surface area rather than a hippopotamus.
The influx of calcium ions.
The influx of calcium ions at a certain point produces phase of the action potential also called depolarization which results in the ion movement changes the membrane potential from negative to positive inside the cell.
In action potential, calcium ions may control gene transcription, cell excitability, and neurotransmitter release. In chemical synapses, the influx of calcium ions leads to vesicles filled with neurotransmitters move to the surface of the cell, and into the synaptic cleft release their contents.
The answer is: Carbon dioxide and water released by cellular respiration are used in photosynthesis.
Likewise, competition for food among deep-water fish that eat the same types of food will .
Natural selection will condemn all deep-sea fish to the same environment that conditions them, those that cannot develop gills will be exposed to extinction, this refers to the theory of the evolution of the fittest by Charles Darwin.