Tennessee's partner chronicles and inexplicable bond between two men, Tennessee and partner, both crude, unfettered mining camp l men. the basis for their bond is never explained, but it's durable strength is revealed in the fact that their friend while survives a breach of its faith: after Tennessee runs off with his partner's wife, he returnes to Sandy bar and is welcomed back by his friend with out rancor or resentment. theirs is a friendship that transcends marriage tirs- at least for the protagonist, Tennessee's Partner.
When i effed my friends bf she was pretty mad but forgave me i guess i can make more friends my not being a sleeze
Four things to do while proofreading are to check your spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.
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C. Both eventually came to believe that the Rosetta Stone hieroglyphs represented sounds rather than things.
Love is when you're happy for the other person's happiness even if they're not with you. It's when you're by yourself but you wish the best for the other person.