The answer is A. the space shuttle orbiting the Earth.
Five negative impacts on social net work :
- It make it easier for criminals to find out basic information about you
- It make it easier for people who wanted to take your pictures for wrong reasons
- Criminals could use it to find out where you live
- If you upload your artworks or project to social media, it would be easy for people to use it without permission
- It can be used to find out/predict your activity and track you
Positive Impact
- It broaden your connection
- It make it easy for you to find out about news and other information
- It could serve as a platform for new business
- For parents , it could be used to watch out their children
- It could be used to gain more exposure for your artwork or project
Earth is approximately spherical in shape like all planets and stars. Earth is composed mostly of rock. Three-fourths of its surface is covered by a relatively thin layer of water (some of it frozen), and the entire planet is surrounded by a relatively thin blanket of air.
Pork Butt ( Boston Butt)
Consisting of parts of the neck, shoulder blade, and upper arm, the pork butt is a moderately tough cut of pork with a good deal of connective tissue. Pork butt can be roasted or cut into steaks, but it is also well-suited for braising and stewing or for making ground pork or sausages