I am going to assume here you are referring to the 'Scramble of Africa' that happened in the second half of the 19th century, as the European power did not really control the African regions before then.
The methods contexts did differ per colonising power and colonised region, but it boils down to the following factors:
- superior firepower, equipment and recourses; having better guns, armour, communication technology, and supply routes, made the Europeans a formidable enemy that the various tribes simply could not counter.
- co-opting the local elites; a tried and tested method for centuries, this has always been the way smart conquerers could maintain control over a region with minimal fuss and expenditur.
<span>- divide and conquer; conflict between the many tribes of Africa has been a constant for centuries in the continent. The Europeans could easily manipulate the various tribes against each other to prevent a unified resistance from rising up. </span>
<span>- a willingness to use extreme forms of terror; the Europeans might have been all high and mighty back home about their Enlightment and democracy, but in Africa they were more than willing to use forms of terror that would make most contemporary dictators feel a little uneasy. Case in point, the widespread killing and mutilation when quotas were not met in king Leopold II's Congo.</span>
my brain had to process that for a while
The major difference between a democracy and a republic is that a republic is a form of government whereas a democracy is an ideology that helps shape how a government is run. Put another way: a republic is the system of government that allows a country to be democratic!
Answer: ( A ) It became a world power.
The global equilibrium, which had allowed the United States to grow and prosper in virtual isolation since 1815 was gone forever as the result of a short but shattering war. In 1898, U.S. domestic support for the independence of Cuba enmeshed the United States in a struggle with Spain over the fate of the island nation. The decision to aid the Cuban resistance was a major departure from the traditional American practice of liberal nationalism, and the results of that decision had far-reaching consequences. The 1898 Treaty of Paris ending the war gave Cuba its independence and also ceded important Spanish possessions to the United States—notably Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and the small island of Guam. The United States was suddenly a colonial power with overseas dependencies.
This assumption of colonial responsibilities reflected not only the temporary enthusiasms of 1898 but also marked a profound change in the diplomatic posture of the United States. The foreign policies of the early 19th century had less relevance at the dawn of the 20th century because the nation had changed. The United States had almost all the attributes of a great power—it stood ahead or nearly ahead of almost all other countries in terms of population, geographic size and location on two oceans, economic resources, and military potential.