I don't really know where am I? I want to go home
bueno Nato proviene del latin natus que corresponde a "nacido" en cambio Innato proviene del verbo innasci que se refiere a alguien " nacido en" oh " nacido para"
1. Me gusta usar las blusas anchas.
2. Uso la ropa oscura.
3. Yo uso una talla pequeña.
4.No me gusta la ropa de cuero.
5. A mi no me importa el precio de mi ropa.
6. Me gustan mucho las chaquetas.
7. Me gusta la ropa de 100% algodón.
If you're trying to translate that My Spanish isn't that great but it says "That you bring to school"
Guapo means “good looking”. Going in order from left to right, their translations are pretty, serious, fun, ugly. Ugly is the opposite of good looking so feo is the answer.