The first dilemma is how to make certain that research is objective and not intentionally distorted by the researches values. To overcome the possible source of bias, sociologists stress replication.
The second dilemma is whether to do research solely to analyze human behaviour or with the goal of reforming harmful social arrangements.
"Karen Horney" strongly disagreed with freud's ideas about women and their feelings of inferiority and the oedipus complex, arguing instead that women come to push back against their societally ingrained dependency on men.
During the subsequent four decades, South Korea experienced tremendous economic, political and military growth, and significantly reduced U.S. dependency. South Korea also has a long military alliance with the United States, aiding the U.S. in every war since Vietnam, and most recently during the Iraq War.
A TVET qualification is usually quicker to obtain and at a lower expense. It is also more focused on getting you into the workforce quicker. University programmes are geared towards the transfer of knowledge rather than skills. A university degree can cost between R31 500 and R56 000 a year.
stress-buffering hypothesis
The buffering hypothesis is a theory that a social support network presence helps protection a person from the negative impact of stressful events, it is a good system of social support can be a buffer against depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental illness.
The stress-buffering theory applies to the perceived availability of social support, which is intended to reduce or weaken the negative relationship between perceived stress due to chronic health and quality of life conditions.