A primary source. A primary sources are first hand accounts like diaries, autobiographies, etc.
If you don't worry about having a positive attitude toward them you wouldn't be tolerant if there were a mishappening. If you overlook their performance or don't call attention to problems when things are going poorly, you will not help them and you could be also part of the problems you are avoiding.
Self-interest refers to pursuing our own needs and desires. We usually engage in these types of behavior without knowing that we have done so.
Self interest motivates us to act because we yearn for self benefits.
Usually students get into political organization in order to influence government towards paying financial aids for those student who are needs sometimes including themselves. When they are engaged in politics they want their voice to be heard by the government to state their needs and expectations.
This would most likely be separation of powers, or basically talking about how the powers in the US government are separated with the three branches of government. This is talking about how the President, or executive branch, deals with foreign things, Congress, or the legislative branch, can pass new laws, and the Supreme Court, or the judicial branch, can decide cases.
I believe they were justified in destroying the tea. The British killed many in the Boston Massacre and it was right that we respond with great resistance.
I believe they weren't justified in destroying the tea. It was not at all peaceful protesting, and they weren't truly accomplishing anything other than wasting tea.