Honor and Love is the answer...
meat was cooked by her should be the answer
No light can escape from it. If the way we see things and colors is the light being absorbed and reflected, we cannot see a black hole if no light can be reflected. The only way scientists can tell if a black hole is present is the impact of it to the surrounding stars and gas.
Answer: A
They are describing their own point of view or feelings.
1. Bandwagon: <em>persuades the target audience to take acrion</em>. "Don't get left behind!....and you don't want to be the only kid without it".
2. Scare tactic: <em>disseminates negative information to persuade the public</em>. "his home was burglarized".
3. Exaggeration:<em> makes something appear more powerfu</em>l. "Our manual will train you to read up to 20 times faster".
4: Generalization: <em>provides simple answers</em>. "you will be on your way to losing those extra pounds".
5. Appeal to Senses: <em>uses the emotional appeal to influence.</em> "Imagine spending your next vacation at..."