of the <em><u>46</u></em><em> </em>chromosomes in the nuclei of every diploid human somatic cell, <em><u>23</u></em> chromosomes were contributed by the mother in the <em><u>egg (ovum)</u></em> cell and the other <em><u>23</u></em> chromosomes come from the father’s <em><u>sperm cell. </u></em>
The strategy is to look for unique processes that occur in virus infected cells but not uninfected cells. Look at some of the enzymes encoded by viruses, and the processes they catalyze to find ideas for inhibiting virus replication.Antiviral drug<span>, </span><span>any agent that is used in the </span>treatment<span> of an </span>infectious disease<span> caused by a </span>virus. Viruses are responsible for illnesses such as HIV/AIDS<span>, </span>influenza<span>, </span>herpes simplex<span> type I (cold sores of the mouth) and type II (genital herpes), </span>herpes zoster<span> (shingles), viral </span>hepatitis<span>, </span>encephalitis<span>, infectious </span>mononucleosis<span>, and the </span>common cold<span>.</span>
Let us start with the family Delphinade which is the largest in the Cetacean order, and relatively recent: dolphins evolved about ten million years ago, during the Miocene. Dolphins are among the most intelligent animals and their often-friendly appearance and seemingly playful attitude have made them popular in past and current human culture.
Phytoplanktons are microscopic creatures that are primary producers of oceans. Phytoplanktons take carbon dioxide from atmosphere to make their food and then they are eaten by some other animals of oceans.
Phytoplanktons are present in huge numbers in oceans and have a great contribution to the carbon cycle because it is responsible for the transfer of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to the oceans.
Most of the carbon is released through combustion by animals that eat phytoplanktons but some accumulate in the ocean floor because some dead phytoplanktons settles down in the ocean.
It should be the tibialis anterior
I hope this helps!