Some example of signal words include therefore, furthermore, likewise, moreover, etc.
Looking for signal words helps to take notes of important and accurate points.
Signal words can be defined as those words which signals a transition in a sentence or paragraph. These words helps to analyze what will happen next. Becoming proficient in signal words will help any reader to take better notes as these signal words signal important facts and points which are worth note-taking.
There are several types of signal words such as words like <em>'similarly, likewise, in the same way'</em> signals that the author is comparing two or more components. Words like <em>'therefore, because, consequently'</em> signals that the author is trying to show cause-and-effect relationship in the sentence or passage.
Understanding and looking for these signal words helps a reader to take down accurate points and notes. Looking for these signal words will help the reader to abridge important facts, main idea of the text, and summarize the passage correctly.
decided immediately
"impulsive" in this context would mean deciding without thinking about it first
There are 3 tenses of verbs
The answer is B: passagem 1 contains a false dilemma, while passage 2 contains a bandwagon.
False dilemma limits the the options to when there might be more options. Example: (Passge 1: "however, standardized testing is the only way to measure student achievement")
Bandwagon appeal leads the reader to decide in favor of what most people agree. Example:(Passage 2: "Everyone knows this, and everyone should realize...")
Scientists have identified a specific region of the brain called the amygdala that is responsible for immediate reactions including fear and aggressive behavior. This region develops early. However, the frontal cortex, the area of the brain that controls reasoning and helps us think before we act, develops later.
Hope this helps