Example 1: Nita makes her arrangements to stay in Canada instead of going back to Chicago.
Example 2: Since Nita isn't held captive, she forms a plot to find out about her Kidnappers with the help of Kovit and Fabricio.
n Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, the theme of appearance vs. reality is a prevalent one, and Boo is a perfect example of this theme—as is Tom Robinson, at least as far as the townspeople are concerned.
When Atticus decides to defend Tom Robinson for allegedly raping Mayella Ewell, the townspeople are angry. They anticipated that Tom would have a lawyer, but not one that would defend a man that most of them believe raped a white woman. Because Tom is black, he is guilty before he steps into the courtroom—as seen by the lynch mob that shows up at the jail while Atticus sits outside with a light, chair and newspaper. The mob has made up its mind that Tom is guilty, and they do not need a court trial to carry out the sentence they believe he should serve: to be hanged until dead.
"He in there, Mr. Finch?" a man said.
"He is," we heard Atticus answer, "and he's asleep. Don't wake him up."...
"You know what we want," another man said. "Get aside from the door, Mr. Finch."
When Gregor died, he was transformed into a big insect. From then on, the story continues. Gregor had not realized that he was dead. They were so dependent on him. His passing had changed the way they looked at life. They were able to get jobs and the same time learned to use money wisely. They were able to save some of Gregor's saving and from their father's failed business.
"Took this Position" is the right answer. ^^^
she believes shop owners and residents have the right to complain to City Hall