The etymology of the word impose includes:
> in (Latin) meaning in or upon + ponere (Latin) meaning put = imponere (Latin) meaning inflict or deceive or poser (Old French) meaning "to put". Therefore, the answer is option D. To put.
I’m sorry but this type of question should be in your own words and experience. but for reference, try adding some goals you’d like to accomplish and think of how this specific school year will be different from the past ones like you’ll be able to join clubs or play sports etc.
In the first two chapters, you meet Jonas the main character and learn a little more about the background of where he is from. He is forced by the strict rules of his society to follow certain rules of life. Every home meal he must share his feelings and dreams. There is a loudspeaker that makes official announcements and there is a punishment called being "released". You also learn that in December there is a coming of age ceremony, where each age group within the community has a big change. Jonas will be turning twelve, which means that he and all the other elevens will be getting their job in the community that they keep for the rest of their lives. Each person does very specific things in their job and have labels, for instance Jonas's dad is a Nurturer and he takes care of all of the babies. One day he brings home a baby boy named, Gabriel, no one is supposed to no this, who is struggling this and they want to adopt him, but they cannot because each family is only allowed two children one girl and one boy. Jonas also has a younger seven year old sister named Lily who at the end of the second chapter, asks for a 'comfort object' a stuffed elephant. Jonas's was a bear, they are all community issued and they are referred to as imaginary.
Eating, drinking, sleeping