Depending on the sentence, a pronoun should be placed before or after the verb. In a statement, it will be before, such as in "I can buy a necklace." In a question, it will be after, such as in "Can I buy a necklace?" (which is after the helping verb but before the acting verb)
Greg and Lucy *got* married in Sardinia two months ago.
It helps the student be more productive and focus more on he’s goals
Respuesta: El narrador y Roderick Usher fueron amigos en "la niñez temprana". Este vínculo duradero de afecto colorea la visión que tiene el narrador de Roderick y lo suaviza hacia la conducta y el comportamiento extraños de su viejo amigo.
Espero que esto ayude :)
Is - two billion dollars is a unit, one unit so it is singular and you use the singular verb
think - scientists is a plural, therefore, you must use the plural verb form of think