Because there are children in africa starving... Duhhh!!!!!
Sand particles are known to move everywhere and are a part of the geosphere
Severage water is most desasterous thing of urbun areas.
noise pollution also damage species
severage water contaminates rivers,canals and other water reserviours that can be harmfull for fish comunity moreover animal may drink water from that water bodies that causes problems in them.
contaminated water from industries also effects water bodies.
noise pollution disturb mental life of man as well as animals .
Scavengers play an important role in the network of food. They keep the world clean from the remains of dead animals, or carrion. Scavengers break down this raw material and recycle it as nutrients into the environment. Vultures consume only the corpses of deceased animals.
Lol, check your science book incase im wrong but
a·mi·no ac·id<span>əˌmēnō ˈasəd/</span>nounBIOCHEMISTRYplural noun: amino acidsa simple organic compound containing both a carboxyl (—COOH) and an amino (—NH2) group.
hope i helped a bit