Se sentó en la silla.
Hay un poco de leche en la nevera.
Ella estaba escondida debajo de la mesa.
El gato saltó del mostrador.
Condujo por el puente.
Perdió su anillo en la playa.
El libro pertenece a Anthony.
Estaban sentados junto al árbol.
All the verbs that finish in "ing" are in gerund.
Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking, continued use despite harmful consequences, and long-lasting changes in the brain. It is considered both a complex brain disorder and a mental illness.
Literal means the literal meaning of the work. Deeper meaning means the thourough true reason and meaning that the author is trying to convey. You have to fully understand it, connect, and figure out the deep meaning.
“Spring is like a perhaps hand” uses personification and simile. Simile
compares two things with the use of “like” or “as”; while personification gives
human attributes to inanimate objects. In poem's title the simile can be
expressed as "spring is like a hand;" while the personification is giving spring
a “hand” which is a part of the human body that is able to move or arrange things.