खुसुक्क- अरुले चाल नपाउने गरी
बेकार- कुनै काममा नलाग्ने
प्रसिध्द- हेर्दैमा सुन्दर एवं विशाल
होनहार- बेस्सरी हाँस्दा को आवाज
अठोट- नामुद
A work that is factual in content is called <u>nonfiction</u> while imaginative prose, something made-up is called <u>fiction.</u>
Number 1 is: Mea mom est magister
Number 2 is: Ego sedens ad mensam scriptoriam meam
Number 3 is: Smith Dominus et magister meus
Having a variety of cultures in America has benefitted everyone. Having these cultures gives everyone knowledge. As people learn new cultures they remember the best of the culture. At times when two cultures only know the bad parts of each others cultures.