Develop and maintain a personal code of ethics
It seems that Katniss does not have a personal code of ethics. A person needs to have personal code of ethics in general. The personal code of ethics should be applicable to any situation whether it be work related of personal life related.
If Katniss would have her own personal code of ethics then she would not have to depend on others and deal with the situation.
Hence, I would suggest Katniss to develop and maintain a personal code of ethics.
Erikson's main idea of what happens if you do not master the conflict of a given age (the equivalent of a Freudian fixation) is identity crisis. Each conflict has two parts: the successful outcome one wants, and the negative outcome which comes from failing to master the conflict. Tye conflict of adolescence is identity vs confusion. If one should fail to master this conflict, they will be confused as to who they are, will not feel like they fit in, and will waver between varying personality types in an effort to discover their identity.
a small group of individuals exercises power over the state without being constitutionally responsible to the public.
Nondemocratic regime is a political regime that doesn't follow the principles of democracy which is based on equality in law and government. This type of political regime is run by a group of people who are not constitutionally elected by the citizens, hence they are not accountable to the public. Citizens in this government are not allowed to criticize the government. This system of government are most times authoritarian in nature.
Examples of non- democratic regimes are technocracy, monarchy, theocracy and oligarchy.
An individual, forced to endure negative stimuli, becomes unable to avoid this stimulus.
Learned helplessness happens when a creature is over and overexposed to an aversive improvement that it cannot get away. Inevitably, the creature will quit attempting to maintain a strategic distance from the development and carry on as though it is defenseless to change the circumstance. In any event, when chances to escape are exhibited, this educated vulnerability will anticipate any activity.
At the point when individuals feel that they do not influence their circumstances, they may start to carry on in a powerless way. This inaction can lead individuals to disregard open doors for help or change.