Chief Massasoit, a Wampanoag, and Squanto, a Patuxet Indian, helped the Pilgrims of Plymouth Bay establish their colony by teaching them skills in cultivating this land and hunting. In return for weapons and tools, these Native Americans provided the colonists with important natural resources, including food.
The USA PATRIOT Act was enacted in 2001 as a reponse to the September 11 attacks and signed by President George Bush. The name of this act is actually an acronym which stands for "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001"
It has generated controversy since its enactment as, due to the provisions included to increase national security. Its promoters argued it was a necessary measure to suceed on the war against terrorism. On the other hand, its detractors claimed that these provisions went against individual freedoms and basic civic rights.
For example, Tittle II confers increased powers to surveillance agencies and bodies dependent of the federal government. Some of these powers include authorizations for detentions of immigrants of indefinite duration, or to search homes or businesses without the consent or knowledge of its owner or tenant.
I feel like it is going to be unsuccessful because people from other places are still going to find ways to enter the country and it shouldn't be built in the first place because Mexico and Canada are both part of the United States and North America and we were also under the North America Free Trade Agreement so we should be allowed to have contact with them anyways. That is just my opinion and how I feel. Others may feel different. Thank You for asking your question here at brainly. Please feel free to ask more questions if you like!
Have a blessed day!
They wanted to find a homeland for settlement.
The Netherlands was the third European country to establish a global colonial empire outside of continental Europe. Its ability to trade and transport goods, coupled with the wave of nationalism and militarism that followed the independence of Spain helped the company. Along with the British, at first the Dutch accumulated colonial possessions through capitalist business colonialism, with a predominance of the Dutch East India Company. The direct intervention of the State in the colonial company came later. Dutch merchants and sailors also participated in the wave of exploration that continued during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
New Netherlands encompassed the northern area of the Atlantic coast of the United States, which was first visited by Dutch explorers and later controlled and colonized by the Dutch West Indies Company. The settlements were initially established around the Hudson River: Fort Nassau created in 1614, abandoned in 1617 by continuous flooding and restored in 1624 under the name of Fort Orange, nowadays Albany and New Amsterdam, founded in 1625 on the island of Manhattan. The colony reached its maximum size with the absorption of the Swedish settlement of Fort Christina in 1655, ending in this way with the colony of New Sweden.
The end of the New Netherlands colony came in 1674, after the end of the Anglo-Dutch Third War the Dutch settlements became part of the British Crown and New Amsterdam was renamed New York.