The electricity helped industries by increasing their output and their reach to other places by helping in the invention of electric vehicles, electric machines, and the internet.
Further Explanation:
Industrial revolution before the invention of electricity:
Before the invention of the industrial revolution, the industries used to face the following issues:
• The factories used to run on the steam engines. They were not efficient and cost-effective.
• The factories could not stretch the working hours to the night shift due to the low visibility factor.
• All the work was carried out manually.
• The output of the factories was very minimal as all the work was carried out manually.
Industrial revolution after the invention of electricity:
Electricity helped in the following ways in the industrial revolution:
• The factories could run on the electric engines. Electricity was an effective way of running machines.
• The invention of electricity led to the invention of light in 1878 by Edison. It helped factories to stretch its working hours to the night shift.
• The invention of electricity led to the invention of electric machines. These machines were able to perform a task way more effectively than a human. The textile industry benefited from the invention of the electric machines as it helped in increasing the output.
• Electric telegram made communication very fast. It helped businesses to make fast decisions and helped them from communication from one unit to another.
• The invention of electricity led to inventions such as light, the telephone, electric machines, electric cars, telephones
Use of electricity in today’s industries:
Electricity helps in the following ways in today’s industries (considering the above-stated benefits):
• Electricity is helpful in the transportation of goods. All the vehicles can now transport goods faster and cheaper with the invention carried out with the help of electricity.
• Electricity led to the invention of the internet. The industries use the internet to increase and control their businesses. The globalization could be possible with the help of the internet as it helped in organizing all the business units.
• Electronic machines help in the mass production of the goods. As the demand of the consumable goods is increasing. The use of electronic machines helped in satisfying the demand by producing goods with the help of the electronic machines.
Thus, the invention of electricity helped factories to increase their output by using electronic machines, stretching working hours to night shift and it helped in the invention of other items such as the telephone, light and electric cars.
Learn more:
1. Learn more about the war industry board
2. Learn more about the industrial revolution
3. Learn more about the industrial organization
Answer details:
Grade: Middle School
Subject: History
Chapter: Invention of Electricity
Keywords: invention, electricity, impact, industries, the industrial revolution, benefit, growth in business.