The Metamorphosis is a short story written by Franz Kafka. Surrealism is a movement that began in the 1920s. Artists created strange creatures from everyday objects. Surrealism's aim was to allow the unconscious to express itself. The incident inThe Metamorphosis that shows surrealism is Mr. Samsa fatally wounding Gregor with apples (a). Gregor is transformed into an insect right at the beginning of the story. The rest of the story deals with the ways Gregor and his family battle to adjust to his transformation.
The answer is:
B. Grieving is considered cowardly and serves for the weak of heart.
In King Claudius' lines from "Shakespeare," he expresses to Hamlet that he should not be sad over the loss of his father. First, because it is the natural law of life - parents die and their children outlast them. Secondly, it is not manly - mourning a father is not a masculine attitude a man should possess. Likewise, such behavior belongs to those who have a sensitive heart and a weak mind. He also suggests that Hamlet starts calling him father.
The yolk of the egg is white