Sentence 3 - D (verb is already in the present tense - no change needed)
Sentence 8 - C ( change past to present tense )
Because Turner has found his soulmate, dark skinned girl Lizzie Bright, that lives on the Malaga island, where live only Negro people. Local gentleman suggested other local members of entourage to remove all the people from Malaga island so that they can build an entertaining complex that will attract the tourists. Turner understands that those people ought to leave their lovely native land even though that they have no place to move to, so he thunks that this idea is totally unfair and struggles for justice.
In my opinion people exclude others for many reason and some may include jealousy. I think this is very noticeable especially in groups of students. They tend to exclude even their own friends sometimes, and I personally don’t think if a friends is excluding you that they should still be called your friend. People get excluded when someone else doesn’t like them or wants to take the spotlight for themselves. This could be for many reasons inclusions self insecurity or just to be plain mean. It all depends on the situation. But people ostracize others to have more themselves so envy or greed but also because they want to hurt others on purpose
the answer is C ; they change from happy to cynical.
Answer: Wonders when Lemarchant will discover what the narrator was done