Answer: have you tried baking 6,000,000 cookies, 1 batch an hour, and done within 5 years
C: A nonfiction book about the history of the Civil War
Hope this helps
<u>The </u><u>Time </u><u>Machine</u>
It was 21st June 2157 and Professor Jones was still busy with his experiments. Suddenly, his ten-year old son Tommy came into his lab and asked, "What's this? Looks like a time machine. Am I right Dad?" Mr Jones replied, "Yes, you are. My son is like me only. You guessed it right at one go." Tommy said, "Oh, that means I can go back to the Old Age. Wow! That is intriguing. I just can't wait for this journey." "Yes, you will. But not now. There are some parts which are left to be complete...Oh it's 1 pm now. Let's have our lunch." said Mr Jones and he and Tommy left the place.
An intruder came into the lab secretly. Watching the time machine, he said to himself, "Other than robbery, I have meagre knowledge about other fields. But still I bet anyone that this is a time machine. Oh, what if I go back in the 17th century? There were many monarchs at that time and they had many riches. Yeah, a good burglary. Let me execute the plan." He went inside the time machine and pressed a button, which took him back not into the 17th century, but to the Mesozoic Era. When he landed, he saw there was nothing but tall trees and fields. Then, suddenly, he saw a T-Rex coming towards him from among the trees. He cried and shouted, "Help! Help!" But you know, in the Mesozoic Era, not a single human lived, but the world was dominated by dinosaurs. So, there is no one to hear him. And the T-Rex gobbled him up! And that was the end of his robbery life.
Hope you could get an idea from here.
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The answer is compound because it has two predicates and two subjects. But either one if it has two of something it is compound