Asepsis refers to the absence of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. When handling a syringe the user can handle all parts of the syringe except for the needle. As soon as the needle comes into contact with anything it can immediately come into contact with bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Which can cause an infection in the individual on which the syringe is being used on.
During asexual reproduction
Answer: c. Lawn fertilizer that washes into neighborhood ponds likely causes algae to become more abundant.
Eutrophication is a natural phenomena in which the algal growth occurs in the water body due to increase in concentration of the fertilizers and manures being drained from the agricultural land into water. This causes decrease in oxygen level in water, and the aquatic animals in water will not survive due to scarcity of water.
According to the given situation, the growth of algae in the neighboring ponds is due to the drainage of lawn fertilizers into the neighboring ponds being washed from the lawns. This causes algae to grow abundantly in ponds.
The ecosystem will become more stable because the pika will no longer be. there to eat the grasses, the birds will migrate to other ecosystems during. nesting season, and the soils will be able to absorb more of the monsoon. D.