Sumeria-Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and the Indus Valley
i just looked it up lol
Julius Caesar was a great military general who, after having been removed from his governorship of Gaul by the Roman senate, staged a coup and took control of Rome by force, the person with whom he was once aligned to take control of the empire. Although he is often portrayed as a tyrannical dictator, Julius Caesar was somewhat of a champion of the people. He eliminated the heavy taxes levied on farmers and granted any Roman citizen with three or more sons land. He also made the dealings of the Roman senate public by posting an account of them for the public to read and realigned the Roman calendar to coincide with the seasons. He also declared himself ruler for life.
Since his lineage could be traced to the founding of Rome, the role of the Caesars came to be associated with the role of the gods, who had more power than senators in the eyes of Romans. All of these actions infuriated the senate, which felt that he had compromised its power. This ultimately led to the senate attack on Julius Caesar that killed him.
1. Normal
2. Criticism of Existing Regime
3. Widespread Dissatisfaction
1. Society divided into class and rank with church, nobles sitting above everyone else. The churhc and nobles owned majority of the land and wealth
2. Enlightenments used reason and science to question the hierarchy of society and revolutionary ideas start spreading in the country.
3. Events anger citizens which question the people in power. Events of debt due to war from Louis XIV, self-indulgence like Louis XV and Louis XVI. Increase in food prices which people can't afford and the taxing of nobles.
the new England colonies had cold weather and hard rocky soil. that means that they couldn't grow many things, so they chose shipbuilding for money.
the middle colonies had a mild climate and could grow some things. they are best know for being called the bread basket bc they grew a lot of wheat.
the southern colonies were very hot but had good soil. they found tobacco to be a great cash crop. the slaves were forced to work in the plantations.