yes you are in favor of
because service would look good on college application admissions often can count community service as an extracurricular activity
3.people feel that like military service there should be a community service corps because like the miltary service, community service can help a nation
4.npr said a person who finishes military bootcamp can do the peace corps instead joining the military. peace corps is community service in other countries. if our country feels this strongly about community elsewhere then some kind of community service is probably deemed important here
5.its what you do with the experience: much career based knowledge can be learned in community and it is the job of the school to teach career skills like math and science. community service can go along side this. possible careers could be social work and politics
6. word community is in community service. this is a way you can help your own community or an underserved community
Spent is the most negative connotation.
Fatigued is to feel exauhsted.
Weary is lack of sleep, tiredness.
Tired is just a minimal drousy feeling.
And spent is as if your energy was all used up, consumed.
For example, if the price of hamburgers increases, hamburgers will seem more expensive, so consumers will demand fewer hamburgers at that price. ... (An increase in supply will lead to movement along demand curve, leading to the change in quantity demanded.) You just studied 6 terms!
If the subject consists of two or more words that are connected by and, the subject is plural and requires a plural verb.