Rain and thunderclouds are found with high pressure
When males go through puberty they get broadening of the chest and the deepening of the voice.
Restate the overall purpose of the experiment. (Why did you do this experiment? What did it teach you?)
2. What were the major findings? (summarize the data you collected)
3. Was the hyposthesis supported by the data? (state your hypothesis and explain how your data relates to your hypothesis)
4. How could this experiment be improved? (If you did this again what could you do differently?)
5. What could be studied next after this experiment? (What else could you test to help you better understand this topic
Answer: a. True
Glomerular filtrate is formed by the difference in force of hydrostatic and osmotic pressure. This physical force involves:
Bowman's capsule hydrostatic pressure: This includes the pressure that develops in the Bowman's capsule against the fluid to be filtrated expelled out by the glomerulus.
Glomerular hydrostatic pressure: The glomerulus is the main site of production of filtrate. It is higher than the average blood capillary hydrostatic pressure. It allows the water and solute molecules to be filtrated out of the plasma membrane.
Colloid osmotic pressure: The osmotic pressure which is generated by the large molecules is the colloid osmotic pressure. It is created by the plasma proteins. This pressure draws water from the glomerulus.