On prend traditionnellement une tartine pour le petit déjeuner.
On prend une baguette tout juste achetée chez le boulanger.
On y met du beurre et parfois de la confiture aussi.
On boit du thé ou du café.
Parfois, on prend aussi des croissants ou des pains au chocolat.
Et il arrive souvent de tremper notre croissant dans le café, ce que la plupart des étrangers ne comprennent pas
hope this helps
Make all necessary changes, and remember that some adjectives precede the noun they modify.
The sentence "notre professeur a __ les papiers" means our professor is doing something with papers (most likely tests or homework that needs grading). As such corrigé, which means "to correct", is the best choice.
Partagé means "to share", Nettoyé means "to clean", and Effacé means "to erase", none of which being logical choices.
L'éléphant est plus grand que l'ours
We have 2 animals here: "ours" (bear) and "éléphant" (elephant), and we have to do a logical comparison based on their size "grand" (big/tall)
The logical comparison is to say that the elephant is bigger than the bear, that is written "L'éléphant est plus grand que l'ours" in French.
We of course assume both animals are adults in order to have a safe and logical comparison.
LES comptables aiment les nombres.