The political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, later developed by their followers to form the basis for the theory and practice of communism.
There is always the possibility that he would have, yet there are reasons as to why he would not have been to enthusiastic in supporting it too strongly. One of these reasons is that Lincoln supported joining the South and the North as fast as possible to make the Reconstruction after the Civil War more smooth and faster. If he openly supported the rights of the Black people the South would not have supported him as much as they would if he had not done so. This would go against what Lincoln wanted the United States to do to heal, somethign that Lincoln's vice president also shared with him.
Confucianism is the philosophy developed by the Chinese philosopher Confucius. His philosophy was all about how to treat people socially, and placed an emphasis on respect and manners.
Lack of Farm Production
Great Britain, Spain, Mediterranean Pirates