some what of an empact to the new world society today vs. the old society
But as stated in The Declaration of Independence and Natural Rights,Locke wrote that all individuals are equal in the sense that they are born with certain "inalienable" natural rights. That is, rights that are God-given and can never be taken or even given away. Among these fundamental natural rights, Locke said, are "life, liberty, and property."
-The proportional plan
-Proportional plan was a proposed reform where each presidential candidate would receive the percent of electoral votes that they win from each state.
-It is where a state's electoral college votes are distributed based on the proportion of the vote their party received. For example, in 2012 Wisconsin, which has ten electoral college votes had Obama win their state with 53% percent of the vote while Romney had just 46% the other 1% going to other candidates.
Well the only constitutional change that resulted from the election of 1800 was the twelfth amendment requiring separate electoral votes for president and vice president. First election where both parties ran candidates and actually campaigned. There was a tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Because of the election of 1800, the 12th Amendment was passed, making the ElectoralCollege simpler.
Licoln knew that he could not prevent the war, but he insisted that the Confederacy must fire the first shot. Afree the bombardment began US ship was sent to evacuate Fort Summer , but it was unable to do so.
In short Licoln strategy was to make no aggresive moves toward the south until after the fort had been fired upon thus giving the union the moral high ground ^-^
C, Moveable type printing sped up the copying of pages and reduced the cost.