The correct answer is - C. retention of their own genome.
The endosymbiotic theory is a theory that suggests that eukaryotic cells are developed from prokaryotic cells. According to this theory, organelles like mitochondria are developed in eukaryotic cells as the result of proteo-bacteria cells engulfing aerobic bacteria.
The evidence of this theory can be seen as the mitochondria has their own genome such as circular DNA and ribosomes as the prokaryotes.
The nurse should explain that during surgery,
an antibiotic prophylaxis is administered to prevent the incidence of surgical
site infection. The use of antibiotic before the procedure is just
one of many actions taken to help reduce the rate of wound infections.
Furthermore, the initial dose must be given most likely within 30
minutes before incision. Then, the next dose is at one to two half-lives of the
antibiotic, which is recommended for the duration of the surgery. Thus,
appropriate timing of dose is essential to the effectiveness of the antibiotic.
It helps the plants create oxygen for us to breathe
Turner Syndrome
When someone only inherits only the X chromosome, their karyotype symbol for that will be XO. Symptoms of Turner Syndrome include "short height, failure of the ovaries to develop and heart defects."
The carbon cycle is nature's way of reusing carbon atoms, which travel from the atmosphere into organisms in the Earth and then back into the atmosphere over and over again. Most carbon is stored in rocks and sediments, while the rest is stored in the ocean, atmosphere, and living organisms.