the rest are false because in Hinduism. They believe that it's important to just worship their one god (brahman), have social ranks (this includes priesthood), and have peace in life. Priesthood is not for everyone.
Slaves from africa where brought to the americas to mine and work in farms
They failed it because they wanted to much
what became known as the “long, hot summer” of 1967, injustice stemming from the frustrations of poverty and unemployment, the systematic denial of employment opportunities by white-owned businesses and city services by white-led municipal governments, and mistreatment by white or mostly white police forces led to explosive confrontations between black residents and the forces that oppressed them. The deadliest and most destructive riots took place in Newark, New Jersey, and Detroit, Michigan. However, even smaller cities, such as Cambridge, Maryland, experienced unrest. What follows are brief sketches of the violent episodes that gripped each of these cities during the summer of 1967.
The Gulf of Tonkin joint resolution was passed by the US Congress so President Johnson can be authorized to take charge and use the military against Vietnam. The incident happened when the USS Maddox at Tonkin was attacked by Vietnamese using torpedos despite several warnings during a patrol round.