check call care
Explanation: check if she has heartbeat
call ambulance
take care by giving oxygen through mouth
First ever black president John Hanson. first american black president Barrack Obama.
Someone that I know has been posting that Barack Obama is not the first African-American President, that indeed there was an African-American President before him, John Hanson.
I did my own research and found that John Hanson was the President of the Constitutional Congress, something quite different than the President of the United States (considering the United States wasn't even formed then). I also found that the John Hanson that was the President of the Constitutional Congress was not African, he was indeed Swedish.
I have found web sites that claim there is a cover-up about John Hanson and say that he was an African and that history has been changed to make him appear white. They have a photo of a man that they claim to be him. However, I don't believe these claims. I don't know who the man in the photos is, but I do know that there was a John Hanson who lived a hundred years after the John Hanson that I'm looking for, he was from Liberia and African—but NOT the president of the Constitutional Congress.
John Hanson, who held the office that was known officially as "President of the United States in Congress Assembled" from November 5, 1781 to November 4, 1782, died in November 1783 long before the invention of photography. The African-American man in the photograph that you saw on a website could not have been this John Hanson.
The more immigrants came to Texas the more diverse the culture became, and the Native Americans had less space because the immigrants had to build houses and we’re eating more food and killing more animals and plowing more land, which invaded the American Indians land and they got angry. They had to move out because their land was being destroyed and they were attacking the sellers so the government forced them out. But because so many immigrants were coming to Texas they had to change the way people live because sometimes they don’t want to follow the walls like people keeping slaves and going against the law, because they wanted to.