They experienced a dreadful journey. The slaves were tightly packed into ships. There was not much fresh air to breathe and the stench was horrible. There was almost no room to move and many of the slaves wished for death. Illness was common and the white men would flog the slaves. Some were force fed and if they didn’t agree with eating, they would get whipped and cut. The African slaves had horrible experiences while crossing The Middle Passage.
No, almost nothing is inevitable in history
Here is your answer:
The proper answer to this question is option B "<span> Separation of Powers". Separation of powers is the three branch's of government which makes sure each branch doesn't get more powerful than the other.
Your answer is B.
If you need anymore help feel free to ask me!
Hope this helps!
From the quote given by the leader which states <em>"Americans, under the existing </em><em>Spanish system</em><em>, occupy a position in society no better than that of serfs"</em>, these leader targeted the Spanish Empire, which colonized most of Latin America. These leaders specifically object to the unfair and inhuman way the colonial master treated the people of the colonies.
<h3>What was Latin America Colonization about?</h3>
The Latin America came to fruition in 1500’s when the European discovered of the New World. Europeans countries such as Spain, France and Portugal colonized the region. Even though most of Latin America was colonized by Spain, the countries of Portugal and France also had major influences on the region.
Due to war & disease, the native populations were decimated and the European countries’ demand for free labor led them to engage in the African slave trade.
Read more about Latin America Colonization
Frederick Douglas (1818 - 1895) would go to Alabama with a friend of Master Thomas, who promises emancipate him after eight years. Besides he was glad to be out of the prison, he didn't' t believe he would be emancipated after that time, as he knew some scandals about Christian selling another to Georgia merchant.