Meanwhile can be defined as the time before something happens or before something ends, it is another way to say "during this time".
The main idea of the text is to show the origin of the ban on child labor.
The article aims to show the origin of child labor prohibition laws in the USA. This is because the drafting of these laws allowed children to be free from abusive work, which prohibited them from living a normal childhood, having quality education and being protected from abusive situations and accidents, since children do not have the mental capacity that a adult owns.

According to blank slate theory, the mind is completely blank at birth. From there, education, environment, and experiences – which are external, as well as material and/or immaterial – shape the child's process of development. This leaves a lasting effect on who they become.
A: It can be difficult to figure out who you really are.
They are both trying to find out who they are in life, but they can't. Because there's so many things getting in the way of finding out who they are, and there's that same mini-plot in each story.
A hyperbole<span> is an extreme exaggeration of something</span>