Sub-Saharan Africa Relative to Other, Less Developed Regions
Sub-Saharan Africa is, by far, the region of the world with the highest level of mortality. Overall life expectancy at birth is 46 years, whereas in Asia, the region with the second lowest life expectancy, it is 67.
If it is humid and/or hot out, the wet bulb (since it is wet) evaporates water, causing the gauge to go up. I'm not sure about dry bulb though.
Meat is not a staple of the Indian diet. Generally, it is said that most Indian religions promote vegetarianism.
Option (3)
In a topographic map, the elevations are represented in the form of contour lines. This is the line of equal elevations. The more contrasting and highlighting contours are considered as index contours.
In the given map, the dark brown colored contours are the index contours, of which Y is the one. The elevation of this contour line is 3250.
The Z contour is at the left bottom portion of the topographic map and shows a lesser contour line of 2900. This can be identified by observing the river flowing downward. The rivers are usually denoted by the blue color line that flows through the V-shaped sequential arrangement of contours. This is one of the ways of determining the increasing and the decreasing direction of contour lines.
Thus, the elevation of Y and Z is 3250 and 2900 respectively.
Hence, the correct answer is option (3).
Vertical or fluvial erosion
Fluvial or river erosion is a geomorphological process of constructed forms in the relief of the river flow.
Flowing over the topographic surface in the direction of the greatest fall, and under the influence of the earth's gravity, river flows create their own forms of relief. These are fluvial forms.
Fluvial forms can be: erosive, if they are created by cutting the river flow, accumulative if they are built by accumulating eroded fluvial material in places where the erosive and transport power of river water is weak.