Without decomposers, dead leaves, dead insects, and dead animals would pile up everywhere. Imagine what the world would look like! More importantly, decomposers make vital nutrients available to an ecosystem's primary producers—usually plants and algae.
B and c
Its because heavier objects have a higher gravitational force
Throat, Anus , digestive system teeth
The final component, or bottom plate, takes the form of an electrically grounded roll. In the corona treating system, the voltage buildup ionizes the air in the air gap, creating a corona, which will increase the surface .
the specific gravity of
pure sulfuric acid is---------> approximately 1.835 g / cm3
the specific gravity of
water is -------------------- >1.000 g / cm3.
The electrolyte, that
is, the dissolution of sulfuric acid in water, is usually at a rate of 36%
acid, so that, in a fully charged element, we can deduce the electrolyte
density, is 1.295 g / cm3. (see attached table)
The specific gravity is
actually the difference in the weight of water compared to a specific fluid. It
is measured with a hydrometer