Gay- Lussac's Law. <span>A law stating that the volumes of gases undergoing a reaction at constant pressure and temperature are in a simple ratio to each other and to that of the product</span>
Answer:Computers only understand machine code - they do not understand high-level language code. Any high-level programming language code has to be converted to executable code. Executable code is also known as machine code which is a combination of binary code 0s and 1s.
To solve this we break down the question and write the programme in steps as shown in the attachment
Both compiled and interpreted languages are high-level languages and translate code for a computer to understand.
The one similarity between compiled and interpreted languages is that they are both high-level languages.
A high-level language is a computer language written in easy to understand human language which is then converted to machine code for the computer to understand.
A high-level language can either be interpreted or compiled.
An interpreted is a language in which the code is translated line by line before execution while a compiled language is one in which the source code is converted directly into machine language before execution.
So, <u>the similarity between both languages is that they are high level languages and translate code for a computer to understand. </u>
I included my code in the picture below.