Answer: Animation Painter.
In Microsoft Powerpoint, the most common method would be to simply animate each bullet point in the entire presentation. The Animation Painter is a tool that has been included to copy all the animations of a single object and apply them to another object selected.
How to use:
- Select the object with the animations already applied to.
- Click on the Animation Painter.
- Select the object that you would like to apply the animations to.
- Done.
See explaination
def readFileFirstLast(filename):
# doc string
''' Function accept the filename and opens the fle
and reads all lines and strips new line character and
stores first and last in a string and return that string'''
#eception handle if file not found
#opening the file
f = open(filename)
#reading the first line and striping the ne line
string = f.readline().strip()
#iterating until last line
for line in f:
#concate the last line after strip the new line character to the string
string = string + " " + line.strip()
#return the string
return string
#if file not found
return "File not found"
#taking the file name from user
filename = input("Enter a file name: ")
#printing the doc string in function
print("\ndoc_sting: \n"+ readFileFirstLast.__doc__+"\n")
#printing the returned string by calling the readFileFirstLast()
print("output string :")
The answer is 4 because all computers use variables to process something