Some relatable songs are Pumped up kicks-Foster the people; Come home- One republic; I want to hold your hand-Beatles; Safe and sound-Taylor Swift; 21 guns- Green Day; we will rock you-Queen
B) John F. Kennedy organizes his evidence strategically in his "We Choose to Go to the Moon" speech to help his audience understand the topic.
Explanation: "organizes his evidence strategically" are keys words that signify structure. the reason the other person is wrong because he isn't looking for structure, he's looking for figurative language. the question want's you to analyze/find structure in JFK's sentence. hope this helps
To push Doodle Pass his abilities. To show him you're not suppose to be here, but since you are, do everything you can.
Answer: Edgar Allen Poe
Explanation: I think the first story is The Murders in the Morgue, which is by Poe. I'm not 100% sure though. Hope that helps.
Those word are in John 14:6 (Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.) The meaning is that only through Jesus's death we can aproach God, "<span>the truth"- the prophecies arrived in the person of Jesus, and the life because he gave his life to gain our life. </span>