Hyposecretion of insulin is the production when number of hormone or too little of a hormone. It can be caused by the destruction of hormone-secreting cells, such as in Type 1 diabetes, or by a deficiency in a nutrient that is important for hormone synthesis. Hyposecretion can be treated with hormone-replaceme
Polio affects the central nervous system and spinal cord. It can cause muscle weakness and paralysis. Polio is a life threatening condition because it can paralyze the muscles that help you breathe.
The polio vaccine is used to help prevent these diseases in children and adults.
(d) Electrical-->Chemical-->Electrical
A nerve impulse is the transmission of an electrical change along the neuron's membrane from the point at which it is stimulated (synapse). The normal direction of impulse in the body is from the cell body to the axon. This nerve impulse, or action potential, is a sudden and rapid change in the transmembrane potential difference.
Normally, the membrane of the neuron is polarized at rest, which means that the ionic constitution of the medium internal to the membrane is different from the external medium, which generates different electrical charges in one medium and the other, so this difference, ie , the potential during rest is negative (-70 mV). The action potential thus consists of a rapid reduction of membrane negativity to 0mV and inversion of this potential to about + 30mV, followed by a rapid return to values slightly more negative than the resting potential of -70mV.
Nervous impulse or action potential, therefore, is a phenomenon of an electrochemical nature and occurs due to changes in the permeability of the neuron membrane. These permeability modifications allow ions to pass across the membrane. Since ions are electrically charged particles, changes also occur in the electric field generated by these charges.
Thus, we can say that the correct answer to this question is: Electrical -> Chemistry -> Electrical
You can figure it out by looking at a sequence of rocks to try to decipher the times that an event occurred relative to the other events represented in that sequence. The relative age of a rock then is its age in comparison with other rocks. If you know the relative ages of two rock layers, (1) Do you know which is older and which is younger? (2) Do you know how old the layers are in years? so yeah séquences haha
They don't fit together anymore because of the Earth's climate change.